About Me

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Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingdom
Hello! I am Dalia - 23 year old mum to a gorgeous daughter, Business Management student and just a mental chick! Nice to meet you all and hope you will enjoy this little blog! :) Mwahhhh! D xxx

Monday 31 January 2011

Happy Monday!

Good Morning people!

It is Monday and shockingly I am @ work by 8:15 am. This is not heard of! :)

As I was laying in my cosy bed this morning I was thinking that there is no way that anyone would drag me out of this warm and snugly little hut until I MUST get up. However I have spent most of my weekend in bed ( Sleeping - no dirty thoughts! =]) I then thought that I should make an effort and get motivated to get my big butt out of the bed and do things! Enough sleeping and lazying about - at the end of the day - that is what weekend  are for! :)

So there I am, up at work ( waiting for emails to work and spreadsheets to eventually open up) with a nice cup of coffee and my sexy Chanel glasses on ready to ROCK ON! :)

So far - I am in a good mood so I really am hoping that it will last until later tonight so I can get started on my training! I had a naughty food weekend with the agenda of starting my training for Race For Life tonight so lets see if motivation or laziness will win over tonight!

Have a lovely day peeps!


Love Me xxxx

Friday 28 January 2011

Hello!! :]

Well... Where do I start!? 

I have been thinking about doing this for a while, but never really had courage to commit to it. Thankfully, some lovely ladies on Twitter mentioned it to me and I have agreed to finally go for it - my first Race for Life charity run! I cant fit it in words how excited I am and how I am looking forward to this! 
Just by signing up it had already made my day and made me feel a better person! Let alone the amazing feeling for when I complete the race! 
I am excited about many things, starting from the actual cause and raising monies to help those with cancer and their families at that difficult time; followed by the celebration of those who has been lost to this terrible illness and finally about meeting all lovely people and participating in such an amazing cause. 

I have had several friends who had lost their family members to a breast cancer and I know that it means a lot to them to see other peoples effort to help ones in need. I have already received a lot of support and encouragement from friends and family for doing this and I hope that it will continue as my motivation levels are hitting the roof at the moment! I wish that I could raise £500 to start with however ideally I would like to be closer to a £1000 mark... 
I have my own Just Giving sponsorship page, however I am also participating in NoRaceChicks group ( ladies that I had mentioned earlier that encouraged me to sign up) therefore if you wish to support me, or our group - feel free to support and sponsor either - it all goes for the same cause in the end! :) 

I may be a little bit selfish that I am using this cause for personal reasons too... 
I am struggling with my post Christmas flab and I thought that it would be a great way to get back in a shape as I am no where close as toned and fit that I should be and think that peoples donations would encourage me to perform better at the race ( meaning that I would need to train a lot more) :) 
When it comes to motivation for training I am ... well... useless.... haha! While I am sat at the office desk at work I am all up for training, however as soon as I get home I just flob  on the couch and cant be bothered to do any exercise at all! Instead - I just eat loads of junk and drink loads of tea or coffee... And then, the next morning I curse myself for being useless..... 
So there is one more thing apart of raising the money for this lovely charity that I hope that would happen - is to get myself in to the habit of eating healthier and exercising regularly to beat all the flab that I have :) hi hi hi.... 
I shall keep this blog updated weekly and let you know how I am getting on and what was my exercise plan and if I was naughty with my food ( again) so please Please PLEASE - tell me off ! 

Lots of love to all and hope that you will support me in this by sponsoring me :) 


Miss D xxx

Thursday 27 January 2011

Race For Life - Dalia Blake

Please follow this link above to view my Race For Life and Just Giving page if you wish to make a donation and sponsor me :) No matter how big or small the donation is - every penny helps!

Thank you very much :) 

Miss D x